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Upload an audio

In this guide you will learn how to upload a media file as an audio to a space. This is a prerequisite to compute voiceprints or perform verifications.

If you are unfamiliar with these concepts, follow their links or read the API reference introduction.

✦ Goal: upload an audio and store its reference for future use.



Set up your HTTP client

Use the playground or automatically generate requests from the OpenAPI definition.


Authenticate using your credentials or API keys

Your API requests must be authenticated using your credentials or API keys.


Gain access to a space

You can only operate in spaces that belong to your user or to one of your organizations. Review these relationships if your access is denied.

→ ownerspace


Obtain a valid media file

To upload a media file as an audio, it must meet the specified requirements.

→ file.mp3



Encode the media file

You cannot directly upload the binary media file through the HTTP API. Instead, you must first encode it as a Base64 string. See the API reference.

← file.mp3

→ file.b64

The encoder showcased is the base64 CLI tool available in most Linux distributions.

More encoding examples are provided in the API reference.

base64 -w 0 {file.mp3} >> {file.b64}

Upload the audio

Upload the Base64-encoded media file as an audio. See the API reference.

← ownerspacefile.b64

Optionally, you may choose the alias for the audio.

→ ✦ audio

  • Method — POST
  • Path — /spaces/{owner}/{space}/audios
  • Body — application/json
"file": "{file.b64}"



Validate the audio details

To validate that the audio has been correctly uploaded, retrieve and analyze its details. See the API reference.

← ownerspaceaudio

  • Method — GET
  • Path — /spaces/{owner}/{space}/audios/{audio}

Validate the binary file

To validate that the audio has been correctly uploaded, retrieve and listen to its binary file. See the API reference.

← ownerspaceaudio

→ file.wav

  • Method — GET
  • Path — /spaces/{owner}/{space}/audios/{audio}/file