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Get a list of phone numbers



Returns all information about a list of phone numbers. The endpoint supports plenty of filtering, paging and sorting options that may be combined as desired.

Query Parameters

    phoneNumber string

    Filter results based on (partial) phone number

    Example: 1/6467629160

    displayName string

    Filter results based on (partial) display name

    Example: Northstar Credit

    logoId uuid

    Filter results based on assigned logo id

    Example: 6f075fbb-d988-4061-a0d2-1fa04ec47361

    doNotOriginate boolean

    Filter results based Do Not Originate setting

    secureCallActive boolean

    Filter results based on if Secure Branding activated

    managedBrand string

    Filter results based on (partial) managed brand name. Only applies to BPOs

    Example: Managed Company Limited

    page integer

    Return page of given number.

    Default value: 0

    size integer

    Return page of given size.

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 1000

    Default value: 1000

    sortBy string

    Sort by given parameter. Multiple sorting parameters are not supported.

    Possible values: [phoneNumber, displayName, country, state, city, callReason, managedBrand, created]

    Default value: phoneNumber

    sortDirection string

    Sort by given direction (value is case insensitive).

    Possible values: [asc, desc, ASC, desc]

    Default value: ASC


OK - Phone number list returned successfully.
