Get a list of phone numbers
Returns all information about a list of phone numbers. The endpoint supports plenty of filtering, paging and sorting options that may be combined as desired.
Query Parameters
Filter results based on (partial) phone number
Filter results based on (partial) display name
Northstar Credit
Filter results based on assigned logo id
Filter results based Do Not Originate setting
Filter results based on if Secure Branding activated
Filter results based on (partial) managed brand name. Only applies to BPOs
Managed Company Limited
Return page of given number.
Return page of given size.
Possible values: >= 1
and <= 1000
Sort by given parameter. Multiple sorting parameters are not supported.
Possible values: [phoneNumber
, displayName
, country
, state
, city
, callReason
, managedBrand
, created
Sort by given direction (value is case insensitive).
Possible values: [asc
, desc
, desc
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 408
- 500
OK - Phone number list returned successfully.
Bad Request - A required parameter is missing or has an invalid value.
Unauthorized - The API Key is invalid or missing.
Not Found - A requested resource was not found.
Request timeout - A complete request was not received by the server within its allotted timeout period. It's safe to retry.
Internal Server Error - The server has experienced an unexpected condition and is unable to process the request.