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List the verification usage records of an organization



List the paginated details of the verification usage records of an organization.

Path Parameters

    org handlerequired

    The handle of the organization.

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 50 characters

Query Parameters

    page int32

    The index of the page.

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    page-size int32

    The maximum size of the pages.

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 50

    Default value: 20

    sort string

    The criteria used to sort the verification usage records.

    Possible values: [performedAt]

    Default value: performedAt

    after any

    The term used to search verification usage records after or equal to the specified date.

    before any

    The term used to search verification usage records before or equal to the specified date.


The requested page of the list of verification usage records of the organization


  • Page-Total


    The total number of pages available.

  • Page-Size


    The selected maximum size of the pages.

  • Page-Current


    The index of the requested page.

  • Item-Total


    The total number of items.

Response Body
