- Bearer tokens
- Credentials
- API keys
Structure and Access
- Your user
- Users
- Organizations
- Spaces
Speech Data
- Audios
- Identities
- Voiceprints
- Verifications
- Usage statistics
- Usage records
Custom field formats
The string fields defined in our OpenAPI definition make use of the following formats.
Universally Unique Identifier as defined in RFC 4122.
Example: 986b0cc0-e559-47a1-8226-bedf5002371f
Hyphen-separated lowercase alphanumeric characters.
Example: th1s-1s-a-handle
UTF-8 strings which currently do not have any additional restrictions.
Example: ThĂs 1s an alĂŻas! ăăŁăăă!
Email address as defined in the HTML5 specification.
Alphanumeric characters, whitespace and the special characters bellow.
Example: th1s 1s a _Pa$$w0rd_!
Timestamp as defined in RFC 3339.
Example: 2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
Duration as defined in RFC 3339.
Example: PT1M7.25S
Base64-encoded binary data as defined in RFC 4648.
Example: VGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYSByZWFsIGZpbGU=
Base64-encoded Json Web Token as defined in RFC 7519.
Example: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1c2VyLWEifQ.Enz9YR7aZ9fulmBm9qVP7hA