Hiya for Developers
Develop innovative voice applications and services with Hiya's APIs, offering call protection, performance, and productivity. Access API reference documentation, quickstart guides, SDKs, and multi-language code samples. Request access today to start building.
Explore use cases by
Voice Protection
Prevent voice deepfake attacks from reaching your users in real time or analyze voice samples offline to detect if they are real or not.
Use voice to verify an identityCreate unique voiceprints and use them to authenticate users and prevent impersonation attacks.
Spam and fraud detectionDetect spam and fraud calls in real time, enabling your app to label incoming calls as suspicious.
Request accessDetect fraud in call audioDetect fraud indicators during live phone calls, allowing your app to take preventative actions before any harm is done.
Request accessBlock callsImplement seamless call blocking to stop fraud calls from reaching your users.
Request accessSpoof-proof a phone callDetect and block calls that are maliciously spoofed by bad actors.
Notify meCall Performance
Enable a streamlined process for businesses to register their phone numbers as legitimate.
Request accessBrand a phone callBrand phone calls with your company identity, delivering secure and recognizable interactions for your customers.
Secure your branded call from spoofersSafeguard your branded calls from spoofers with advanced protection, ensuring your customers always know it's you calling.
Voice Productivity
Quickly generate concise summaries of conversations, helping you capture key insights and action items in seconds.
Notify meTranslate call audioTranslate conversations in real time, breaking language barriers and enabling smooth communication across regions.
Notify meExtract date from conversationExtract a date from a conversation, enabling your app to track events, handle scheduling, and more.
Notify meExtract phone numbers from conversationExtract a phone number from a conversation, enabling your app to create follow-up actions for users.
Notify meExtract address from conversationExtract an address from a conversation and validate it for accuracy, enabling your app to track events, handle scheduling, and more.
Notify meConvert speech to textTranscribe audio from a conversation into text in real time.
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